VLUHR KZ supports the day-to-day operations of the Flemish Learning Network of Educational Developers.
The Learning Network of Educational Developers (LNO²) connects educational support staff and experts from all higher education institutions in Flanders. The network facilitates expertise sharing and stimulates innovation in and optimisation of education. LNO² pursues three main goals:
- the professionalisation of educational developers in higher education
- enhancing the professional identity of educational developers
- supporting quality development in higher education
Special Interest Groups
The Network organises thematic Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in which colleagues from different higher education institutions work together on a specific topic. Within a SIG, educational developers share knowledge, experience and methodologies with each other. LNO² currently has five Special Interest Groups:
- Blended Learning
- Lifelong Learning
- Educational Quality
- Educational Professionalisation
- Workplace Learning
Each SIG meets at least three times a year. They usually choose one specific topic to exchange experiences and knowledge on. SIGs are encouraged to organise more elaborate events or workshops – sometimes in cooperation with external parties.
At least two seminars/webinars are organised each year, where members or external experts share their accumulated expertise – within the scope of one of the SIGs – with a wider audience.
In addition, one of the member institutions organises an annual LNO² conference to which all interested educational developers are welcome.
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