VLUHR KZ supports the day-to-day operations of the Flemish Learning Network of Educational Developers.

The Learning Network of Educational Developers (LNO²) connects educational support staff and experts from all higher education institutions in Flanders. The network facilitates expertise sharing and stimulates innovation in and optimisation of education. LNO² pursues three main goals:

  1. the professionalisation of educational developers in higher education
  2. enhancing the professional identity of educational developers
  3. supporting quality development in higher education

Special Interest Groups

The Network organises thematic Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in which colleagues from different higher education institutions work together on a specific topic. Within a SIG, educational developers share knowledge, experience and methodologies with each other. LNO² currently has five Special Interest Groups:

  • Blended Learning
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Educational Quality
  • Educational Professionalisation
  • Workplace Learning


Each SIG meets at least three times a year. They usually choose one specific topic to exchange experiences and knowledge on. SIGs are encouraged to organise more elaborate events or workshops – sometimes in cooperation with external parties.

At least two seminars/webinars are organised each year, where members or external experts share their accumulated expertise – within the scope of one of the SIGs – with a wider audience.

In addition, one of the member institutions organises an annual LNO² conference to which all interested educational developers are welcome.

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