Featured cases

Would you like to know what our experts are committed to and in which kind of projects VLUHR QA is involved in? Take a quick look here.

Photo by Alireza Badiee

International review DocNomads

LUCA School of Arts and the pilots of the DocNomads consortium chose VLUHR QA for a pilot run of the European Approach.

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Photo by Bence Balla-Schottner

Evolving QA policy at the Interactie-Academie

VLUHR QA is the sparring partner of the Interactie-Academie as they embed themselves in Flemish higher education.

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Supporting programme audits by Howest

At Howest, the experts of VLUHR QA are bridge figures between institution, programme and panel.

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Panel selection and training at Odisee

Odisee set up a structural partnership with VLUHR QA to support the quality assurance of its programmes.

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Ho Gent

Drawing up a balance for HOGENT

HOGENT counts on VLUHR QA as an independent organisation for the 'balance moment'.

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