International review DocNomads

LUCA School of Arts and the DocNomads consortium chose VLUHR QA for a pilot run of the European Approach.


VLUHR QA, situated in the heart of Europe, is an internationally recognised agency for the programme review following the European Approach.

When we review an international joint programme we at VLUHR QA choose the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, in short the European Approach. It is with this international approach that we started the assessment of the DocNomads Erasmus Mundus Joint Master. This programme is organised by a consortium of three institutions spread across Europe: the Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem in Budapest, the Universidade Lusófona in Lisbon and the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels.

The European Approach leaves more margin for taking into account the specificities of an international programme than a national framework does.

Roel Vande Winkel, LUCA School of Arts

The consortium chose a review of their joint programme through the European Approach rather than a review of each individual institution separately. VLUHR QA involved all locations and all partners in the process from the start. Together with the consortium we investigated in which way the programme could show the panel that they meet the standards of the evaluation framework. Writing the SER, the self-evaluation report, was an important moment of reflection for the programme as a whole. The consortium seized this moment for a re-evaluation of a number of aspects of the programme, something the panel appreciated. The review by the panel as a whole can be found through this link.

Read more about the cooperation between VLUHR QA and DocNomads in the article 'A first exploration of the 'European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes'.

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