
VLUHR Quality Assurance your partner for quality in education and training.



For VLUHR QA, quality assurance is more than just a certificate or a procedure. Together with your team, we look for solutions to strengthen your organisation's quality assurance processes. How do we do this? By listening to your demands and ambitions right from the start, setting clear and realistic goals and developing and implementing tailor-made instruments.

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Experience and expertise

We are a reliable and independent partner of the Flemish Higher Education Institutions for years in organising programme reviews, training panels and formulating learning outcomes. Our experience and expertise make the difference. The staff members of VLUHR QA are professionals, keeping in touch with recent evolutions and trends in quality assurance.

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Quality knows no boundaries. We work with the European Standards and Guidelines, the reference for quality assurance in higher education. VLUHR QA is strongly embedded in an international network and a member of ENQA and EQAR. With the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes we are the right partner for your international projects.

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Featured cases

Photo by Bence Balla-Schottner

Evolving QA policy at the Interactie-Academie

VLUHR QA is the sparring partner of the Interactie-Academie as they embed themselves in Flemish higher education.

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Panel selection and training at Odisee

Odisee set up a structural partnership with VLUHR QA to support the quality assurance of its programmes.

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Panel member MATA program review

It is always interesting to discover how colleagues organize their programs and to try to find the best answers to the problems program managers encounter, especially during the co-creative session at the end of the site visit. As a member of a review panel, you always learn new things from the other panel members, from the lectors and students involved, and from the review approach itself. And there is of course the hope that the work through the program review helps your colleagues too.

Panel member MATA program review

ENQA Agency Review report

The ENQA Agency Review report of VLUHR QA was published recently. The external panel that visited in spring spoke highly of our operation.

We are pleased with this positive feedback and will build on the constructive advice from the report. Based on this report, we are also seeking renewal of registration with EQAR and membership from ENQA.

Read the report
External review report cover

Wondering what we can do for you?

Are you looking for a reliable and independent partner to improve your organisation's quality assurance processes? Please contact us!

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