About us

Want to know more about VLUHR QA? We are an independent organization with clear goals, extensive experience and an international presence. Discover VLUHR QA and our staff here.

Our governance structure

Our governance structure guarantees the independent functioning of VLUHR QA and allows its stakeholders to be systematically involved. The VLUHR Quality Assurance Board supervises programme reviews. Stakeholders are represented in the VLUHR QA Advisory Council so that we keep our finger on the pulse as a learning organisation.


Our mission and vision

As a quality assurance agency, VLUHR QA contributes to monitoring and improving the quality of education in Flanders. As a centre of expertise, we are responsible for stimulating, developing and implementing a quality culture and want to put ourselves at the service of all providers of education and training in order to strengthen their quality assurance processes.


Our history

VLUHR QA has been carrying out programme reviews in Flemish higher education for more than 30 years and can therefore rely on extensive experience and rich history. Whereas the organisation originally focused on carrying out 'visitations', it has recently positioned itself as a respected partner for quality in education and training.


Our quality assurance

VLUHR QA is an internationally recognised quality assurance agency. We work according to the ESG, are a member the European umbrella organisation ENQA and are registered with EQAR. To guarantee the quality of VLUHR QA's activities, we are committed to clear procedures, the professionalisation of our employees and the structural involvement of stakeholders.



VLUHR QA regularly shares its findings on current topics within quality assurance through presentations at (international) forums, as well as the publication of articles, thematic analyses, etc.

Discover our team of experts

Patrick Van den Bosch
Head of VLUHR QA
Andreas Smets
Policy Advisor Quality Assurance
Nina Geenen
Policy Advisor Quality Assurance
Stefanie Van der Jeugt
Policy Advisor Quality Assurance

Wondering what we can do for you?

Are you looking for a reliable and independent partner to improve your organisation's quality assurance processes? Please contact us!

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