VLUHR QA regularly shares its findings on current topics within quality assurance. This is done both by presenting at (international) forums and via various publications. In addition, VLUHR QA carries out thematic analyses through which it not only tries to strengthen its internal quality assurance, but also acquires knowledge and deeper insight into the Flemish educational landscape within which it carries out its activities.
- Thematic Analysis 'Programme Reviews in Flanders (2020-2023)', VLUHR QA, Brussels, 2023.
- Programme reviews in Flanders, VLUHR QA, Brussels, 2023.
- Summary of the (Dutch) Thematic Analysis 'Review Reports Bachelor of Nursing' report, VLUHR QA, Brussels, 2023.
- Codiplômation et assurance qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et en Flandre, Yoneko Nurtantio (AEQES), Cosmina Ghebaur (ARES) & Patrick Van den Bosch (VLUHR QA), Brussels, 2021.
- Programme Review Analysis 2015-2020, VLUHR QA, Brussels, 2020.
- Analyse stakeholderbevragingen 2018-2020, VLUHR QA, Brussels, 2020. (Dutch)
- A first exploration of the 'European approach for quality assurance of joint programmes, Patrick Van den Bosch (VLUHR QA) & Roel Vande Winkel (KU Leuven, LUCA School of Arts), Brussels, 2019.
- Nieuwe wind door opleidingsevaluaties, meer dan vroeger een kritische vriend, Patrick Van den Bosch, THEMA, Brussels, 2017. (Dutch)
- Het avontuur van Odisee, Kwaliteitszorg in eigen regie, Ann Van der Kelen (Odisee) & Patrick Van den Bosch (VLUHR QA), THEMA, Brussels, 2017. (Dutch)
- Does EQA really make a difference?, Daphne Carolus, Dieter Cortvriendt, Dries Froyen & Patrick Van den Bosch, EQAF, Tallinn, 2012.
- Critical Friends or Independent Critics, Mieke Beckers, Dieter Cortvriendt & Patrick Van den Bosch, EQAF, Antwerp, 2011.
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